
Archive for the ‘On Tour’ Category

Landing with a bang, the magic of Cork, Ireland

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Greetings from Cork City, the sister city of San Francisco in the southwest of the Emerald Isle!

Not even sure where to begin, so much has happened since the plane landed in Dublin on Tuesday morning – it feels like we have been here months already! I ended up on the same flight from Chicago to Dublin as my drummer, Will Bates, so we crossed the Atlantic side by side, only to meet bassist, Sean Stillinger in the Dublin airport upon arrival. It was raining of course, just to make sure we knew we were in Ireland ; ) (more…)

The Lucia Comnes Combo on Tour

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

In May/June of 2008, the Lucia Comnes Combo takes their first European tour playing concerts throughout Ireland. They will play shows primarily in Cork and Dublin, linking up with popular local groups including The Polskadots – a world music/gypsy band that Lucia co-founded in 2006 during her studies in Cork. (more…)